Become a Member
Become an HFTco Member and enjoy all the added Fringe (and Frost Bites and Gilded Hammer Awards and…) benefits!
Membership for the Hamilton Festival Theatre Company has its privileges:
- Voting rights at the Annual General Meeting (Members who have paid dues at least 30 days in advance of the AGM are eligible to vote).
- Fringe Backer Button ($5 value, required for access to all paid in-person Hamilton Fringe Festival shows).
- Receive an advance copy of the Hamilton Fringe Festival Program.
- Free VIP entry to the Hamilton Fringe Festival Kick-Off ($15 value).
- NEW free attendance at preview events for Hamilton Fringe Festival and Frost Bites programming.
- NEW 15% discount on Artist Development programming.
Savings for Members: $25, plus additional discounts and free preview events
Cost of Membership: $30 + order processing fee
Remember, memberships must be renewed annually. If you were a Member last year, join us again!